You are not heroes. You are bounty hunters, mercenaries, knaves, fortune seekers; hungry for gold and glory, trusting only your skill and cunning.
You are members of the Bounty Hunters Lodge, also known as The Lodge, an institution that supports the dangerous trade of bounty hunters across the multiverse.
This is an Open Table game, with a shared world and wide roster of characters.
Our adventures will be episodic one-shots, where you will be taking on bounties in two-fisted action packed adventures!
You can expect science-fantasy, age-of-sail, weird-fiction, cosmic horror, and generally pulpy tropes and themes.
About the Campaign
- You are members of the fearsome Bounty Hunters Lodge. Where everyone is bound by The Creed . Player characters are expected to collaborate, although a degree of friendly competition is not unheard of among hunters.
- People travel in ships capable of flying through space called Spelljammers, these ships are propelled by the magic of pilots attuned to magical chairs called Spelljammer Helms.
- You will traverse the infinite shores of Wildspace and the Astral Sea visiting all kinds of strange and magical worlds while working on your bounties.
- Your base of operations is on an asteroid city called The Rock of Bral, a cosmopolitan outpost that is full of scoundrels, and merchants located within the Astromundi Cluster.
- At The Rock, and across known space, there is a chain of hotels called The Sidereal Hotel which serves as safe havens for hunters and their ilk.
- It is best to forget what you know about of physics as in fantasy space things work different!

Your characters
- All Characters begin 1st level. The leveling system will allow you to catch up sooner than later.
- Your characters have made a living on the Rock of Bral for at least a year, and are competent spellfarers and bounty hunters. You have at least a basic knowledge of space.
- We will be using curated parts of the One D&D playtest material. Such as Backgrounds, floating Ability score bonuses, 1st level feats. They can be found under.
- We will be using a curated selection of 18 to create a Spelljammer-y feel.
- Many other races exist, they are just not player character race options at this time.
- We will be using point-buy to determine Ability scores. To skip the math you can use one of the optimized arrays below (includes One D&D floating ability score bonuses):
- [16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 8]
- [16, 16, 14, 12, 8, 8]
- Player options from the Player’s Handbook, Spelljammer, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything are available.
- We won’t use the optional multi-classing rules.
- One D&D feat descriptions take precedence over other feats.
- For spells-only, add Wildemount as a resource*.***
- Also we are exclusively using the summoning spells from Tasha.
- There is some homebrew for , , &
- No other resources are currently allowed.
- There are additional proficiencies, they will play a big part of the game.
- All characters start with bonus Tool Proficiencies equal to their Intelligence modifier +1 (in addition to the Tool proficiency you get from your Background)
- We won’t worry about Languages, they will be handwaved unless they aren’t — such as trying to talk with natives from a backwater planet. If a class feature grants you additional languages, take a Tool proficiency instead.
- We will be using Renown to track character advancement as a Bounty Hunter.