today is really raining cats and dogs here, so changing things up with a now flooding area
The old mine’s refinery and center of operations building area is flooded and underwater.
This is seasonal, during the wet season the waters raise, but they will sip down again shortly in the dry season.
There is:
- Central offices, a two story building, the second floor is mostly put of water however the floor is submerged in an inch or two.
- The old chief’s office is on the second floor, there is a small secret room, which is sort of obvious because the room inside isn’t large enough. Opening the room requires pulling a rusted chain located under the desk.
- In the main room has stairs going down.
- Down below there is a storage room of food, which is all more or less consumed, there are crabs down here.
- There is a main lobby with a counter, and a safe. The safe has been opened and left behind.
- A flooded restroom with a latrine. It’s best to not think about it too much…
- There is a large rusty furnace and contraptions. There is a blind water shark down here. It’s like a land shark, but in the water ;)
- It is not particularly hungry, but will look at and defend from trespassers.
- There is an elevator down to the “flooded lower mines”, one would need magic or such to explore those depths un water