One of my favorite pieces of literature of all time is The Abomination of Yondo from author Clark Ashton Smith pulp era author with a wide range of weird tales, and one of the best friends of both Lovecraft and Robert E Howard.


“The sand of the desert of Yondo is not as the sand of other deserts; for Yondo lies nearest of all to the world's rim; and strange winds, blowing from a pit no astronomer may hope to fathom, have sown its ruinous fields with the gray dust of corroding planets, the black ashes of extinguished suns. The dark, orblike mountains which rise from its wrinkled and pitted plain are not all its own, for some are fallen asteroids half-buried in that abysmal sand.”

For #Dungeon23 challenge is the Desert of Fallen Stars, loosely based on the deserts of Yondo.